Dutch Pavilion at the International Manufacturing Technology Show, September 12-17, 2016 | Chicago More information: http://metaalunie.nl/metaalunie/beurzen/imts

2016 Election: Predictions for an Unpredictable Year     Please join our new members Bob Van Heuvelen and Valerie West of VH Strategies as they discuss this unconventional year in politics, from the  the presidential election to the key races that will determine control of the Senate. They will outline the candidates’ positions and agendas…

Please join us for a “doing business in the USA” seminar: Date: Time: Admission: Location: Address: Tuesday December 15, 2015 1:30 PM – 6:30 PM € 50,00 p.p. Kamer van Koophandel De Ruijterkade 5 1013 AA Amsterdam For more information and to register:

US Business Lawyer Thomas H. Thorelli ( www.Thorelli.com) is visiting the Metaalunie,  FME and The Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands to answer questions to Dutch entrepreneurs about doing Business in the United States on the following dates: June 8 – FME Nieuwegein June 9 – Metaalunie, Nieuwegein June 10 – KvK Rotterdam http://www.kvk.nl/bijeenkomsten/road2usa-zakendoen-met-amerika/Rotterdam/2015-06-10-1330/…

Visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands to Washington DC, Grand Rapids and Chicago | June 2015   Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands: President Obama will host Their Royal Highnesses King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands…

The Dutch economy is the sixth-largest economy in the euro-zone and is noted for its stable industrial relations, moderate unemployment and inflation, a sizable trade surplus, and an important role as a European transportation hub.Industrial activity is predominantly in food processing, chemicals, petroleum refining, and electrical machinery. A highly mechanized agricultural sector employs only 2%…

Chicago – Het voornemen van het kabinet om het consulaat-generaal in Chicago te sluiten, stuit op bezwaren van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven en autoriteiten in de Verenigde Staten. De diplomatieke post in Chicago bedient veertien staten in het Middenwesten van de VS, een landbouwregio waarin veel Nederlandse bedrijven actief zijn en het belangrijkste productiegebied voor de…

From the Dutch newspaper “De Telegraaf”,please find English translation below after original article: Consulaat ook in VS geliefd 12-09-2013 (pagina 025) DEN HAAG – Na Beieren slaat ook Michigan alarm over de teruglopende handel met Nederland. Het parlement van de Amerikaanse staat roept minister Timmermans (Buitenlandse Zaken) op het Nederlandse consulaat-generaal in Chicago open te…

June 28, 2013 The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Frans Timmermans, introduced his plan to cut Euro 100 million in government spending. Part of his plan includes the possible closing of the Netherlands Consulates-General in Antwerp, Chicago, Milan, Munich and Osaka. In September this plan will probably be discussed in the Dutch Parliament. The…

The Dutch American Chamber made it to an article in the May (2013) issue of Quote Magazine. To read the full article: [custom_button text=”Click here” title=”Quote Magazine” url=”https://www.dutchamericanchamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/QUOTE-Mei-2013-Qolonisten.pdf” size=”medium” bg_color=”#BE0027″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” target=”_blank”]

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