Come join us for “From Amsterdam to New Amsterdam” by Russell Shorto.

Russel Shorto

Date: Monday, November 18, 2013

Time: 5:30 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: East Bank Club

               500 North Kingsbury St.

               Chicago, IL 60654

               (312) 527-5800

From Amsterdam to New Amsterdam:

Legalized prostitution, lax drug laws, and a generous social welfare system have given Amsterdam a reputation for being “the most liberal place on earth.” But the city also fosters the deeper meaning of liberalism that profoundly influenced America-political and economic freedom. Historically, Amsterdam has been home not only to religious dissidents and radical thinkers, but also to the world’s first global corporation, the United East India Company. How did this city become a global exporter of some the major tenets of Western liberalism? What has been the Dutch impact on American values and culture?


 Russel Shorto:

 Russel Shorto is a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine. He lives in Amsterdam where he directs the John Adams Institute for Dutch-American cultural exchange. He is the author of numerous books including The Island at the Center of the World. In 2009, Shorto received a Dutch knighthood in the Order of Orange-Nassau for his services in strengthening the relationship between the Netherlands and the United States.


  • $10 (use discount code AMSTERDAM

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